
Sunday, January 31, 2010

DC Bound!

Tomorrow morning, our 8th graders will depart at 5:00 a.m. for our yearly tour of Washington, D. C. We are looking forward to a great trip, and we want you to experience it with us.

Check here daily for a YouTube video featuring highlights of our day. The video will be much like the one below, featuring our 7th grade civics field trip to the Capitol and other state buildings back in October.


Saturday, January 23, 2010

Middle School Notes

Happy Saturday!

As you can see in this photo, members of the Trinity administrative team took a trip to the San Francisco area this week to visit the headquarters of Apple Computers. While there, we were briefed on Apple's latest innovations in the field of education, and discussed ways we can integrate technology into the curriculum in an ever-expanding basis at Trinity. Brain research is showing us that technology enhances learning, and we are committed to utilizing these 21st century tools to the fullest extent possible.

Thanks for supporting our dress-down fundraiser for relief in Haiti. Trinity raised over $3,000 Friday. This money will go directly toward helping the victims of last week's earthquake. Your generosity is deeply appreciated.

We are pleased to announce that Mrs. Connie Cantey will be serving as our 7th grade English teacher for the remainder of the school year. Mrs. Becky Faulkner will take Mrs. Cantey's place as our middle school tutor through May. I would like to express thanks to both of these fine professionals for filling these important needs in our school.

Bob Thetford served as our most recent guest in our Lunch with Leaders program. Mr. Thetford, a former Trinity board member, spoke with members of our student council about leadership, complete with colorful examples from his career as an FBI agent.

Here are our tests for next week:

6th Grade: None

7th Grade:

Thursday - Math 7, Pre-Algebra

8th Grade:

Wednesday - History (Weeks, Franklin), Old Testament

Thursday - Earth Science, Public Speaking

Friday - History (McLemore), Pre-Algebra

Have a great weekend!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

J H Ranch

The J H Ranch in California offers life-changing opportunities for Christian growth for parents and teens through their Second Wind and Cloud 9 programs. Second Wind is geared toward middle and upper school students, while Cloud 9 focuses on seminars for parents and their children or husbands and wives.

An informational meeting about the J H Ranch and its various programs will be offered at the home of Matt and Suzanne Satcher on Monday, February 1, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. More information regarding this event may be found in the Guidance Center.

You can learn more about J H Ranch by visiting their website.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Middle School Notes

I hope your family is enjoying a relaxing three-day weekend!

I will be in the San Francisco area this next week attending an executive briefing at the headquarters of Apple Computers. We will be looking at ways to integrate technology into the curriculum, making learning fun, and meeting the variety of learning needs in our school. I will report on my findings either while I am there or when I return. Randy Ragsdale will be acting middle school principal in my absence.

Now that the weather has warmed up a bit, we are returning to Trinity uniform outerwear. Please make sure that your students are wearing only Trinity uniform items when they return to school Tuesday.

We are pleased to announce that Becky Faulkner, our lower school computer specialist, will be filling in as our middle school tutor while Connie Cantey fills a long term substitute need in our seventh grade English classroom. Students who have been receiving tutoring from Mrs. Cantey will begin seeing Mrs. Faulkner Tuesday morning.

Here are our tests for next week:

6th Grade:

Thursday - Social Studies

Friday - Math

7th Grade:

Thursday - English, Old Testament

Friday - Economics, Science

8th Grade:

Wednesday - Algebra I

Thursday - English

Have a great weekend!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Happy COLD New Year!

We had a great first week back for the second semester, complete with a late start Friday due to the weather. Thanks so much for your cooperation with our decision to delay the opening of school until 10:00 a.m. We were able to get our classes started without any further delay, and we enjoyed a very smooth, cold, Friday.

Please remember to attend our State of the School Address, given by headmaster Mr. Bob Neu, this Monday, January 11 at 6:30 p.m. in Willett Hall. Many important and exciting items will be discussed, so you'll want to do your best to attend this event.

Here are our tests for the coming week:

6th Grade - None

7th Grade -

Tuesday - Economics, Vocabulary 9

Thursday - Math 7, Pre-Algebra

Friday - Keyboarding

8th Grade -

Friday - History (McLemore, Weeks)

Have a great weekend!