I hope your first week back in the saddle was a good one!
Our children are more connected now than ever before. Social media outlets such as Facebook, Twitter, and others, have made the world a smaller place. The trouble is, our kids seem to know more about these communication avenues than we do, so we don't always know just what is going on.
Connect Safely recommends some privacy settings for your young Facebook user. You may want to take some time this weekend and view this chart with your child. Together, you can decide which privacy settings are best for your particular situation.
Many thanks to Dr. Frank Buck, who made me aware of this outstanding resource.
Here are our tests for next week:
6th Grade:
Wednesday - Social Studies
7th Grade:
Important Announcement: Students in Mrs. Cantey's English class are reminded to purchase a copy of The Hiding Place. Please see Mrs. Cantey for more information.
Tuesday - Science
Wednesday - Math
Thursday - Economics
8th Grade:
Wednesday - US History (McLemore), English
Friday - US History (Weeks)
Have a Great Weekend!