
Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Communication Reminder


As educators, we want to partner with you in helping your child succeed here at Trinity. Along those lines, we will be very proactive with respect to communication of academic requirements and expectations. At the same time, we will be helping our students become more responsible as we encourage the use of academic planners that are in use throughout the Middle School.

Here are the things that you can expect from us with respect to academic communication:

1. I will post a list of upcoming major tests for the next week to this blog each Friday.

2. Teachers are required to post updated grades to Edline every second and fourth Monday beginning September 8. You will notice that some grades have already been posted. You should have a very clear picture as to where your child stands as of the 8th of September.

3. Students are required to write homework assignments in their planners each day and are expected to keep up with these planners. Some teachers may elect to post homework assignments to Edline, but as of this year this is not a requirement (please see the Trinity Handbook, p. 8).

4. I am encouraging teachers to make contact with you whenever your child begins experiencing problems in the classroom with respect to academics or discipline.

Should your child begin experiencing academic problems, we encourage you to schedule a conference with the teacher, or perhaps all core teachers. We want to work with you to ensure that your child reaches his/her full potential here at Trinity.

Please bookmark or subscribe to this blog. I will update it frequently with important information pertaining to our Middle School program. As I have said before, please feel free to contact me with questions, comments, or concerns.

Have a great day!

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