
Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Llanfair Gate Reminder

Good Tuesday Morning!
You should have received a letter from Mr. Neu over the weekend regarding the temporary opening of the Llanfair Gate on our campus to accommodate our construction. Here are the main points to remember regarding how this gate effects our carpool situation. I have included requirements for student drivers since many of you have children in the Upper School:
- The gate will open Wednesday, September 3 at 7:30am.
- The gate will be open from 7:30-8:00am and then again from 2:30-3:45pm daily.
- All parents who enter through the Llanfair gate in the morning MUST proceed behind the football field and through the LS carpool line. Do NOT enter the south (Fine Arts) parking lot to E. Trinity Blvd.
- We strongly encourage LS parents to use the Llanfair gate to pick up after school.
- All parents picking up MS/US school students ONLY should enter from E. Trinity but may exit through either E. Trinity or Llanfair.
- All student drivers have the option of using the Llanfair or E. Trinity entrance in the morning, but MUST exit via Llanfair after school.
- All student drivers who speed and/or drive recklessly will be given one warning (including a call home) and then driving privileges will be revoked for one week.
Here are just a few more nuggets that will help make all of our lives easier as we move on and off campus:
- In an effort to ease congestion on E. Trinity, turn right on Lomac to Woodmere instead of going all the way to the light.
- Be good neighbors: let people in and out of their driveways.
- After carpool finishes, students who have not been picked up will either be in the LS office (after 3:30) or in the hallway outside the MS/US office (after 3:45).

Thank you in advance for your cooperation with these guidelines.

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