
Friday, September 26, 2008

Middle School Notes

Happy Friday!

I hope everyone had a great week and is looking forward to a beautiful weekend!

Here are some general announcements:

1. You might want to take a look at this publication by the National Association of Elementary School Principals regarding study habits. The NAESP is an organization dedicated to the improvement of elementary and middle schools, and frequently publishes information for parents. As I run across things that you might find useful, I'll be sure to pass them along.

2. Please give your kids a big pat on the back for their cooperation with our dress code policy. As we near the end of September, we have had absolutely zero demerits issued for dress code violations!! We have managed to do this even when we have tossed in a couple of Spirit days. For that matter, all of our demerits are down significantly from last year, and I couldn't be more pleased! It looks like a reward is in order if this keeps up!

3. Please remember that we will have a 5th Quarter event immediately following our Homecoming game next Friday night. The program will begin in Willett Hall at the conclusion of the ball game and will end at 11:00 p.m. Please make every effort to have your child picked up as close to 11pm as possible. Admission to this event is free, and the program will be put on by the youth ministers at First Baptist, Frazier, and First Methodist.

Finally, thank you so much for the many calls and emails of support and encouragement I have received from many of you as we have started this school year. Please remember that our teachers thrive on that sort of affirmation as well, so if you feel that they are doing a good job, please do not hesitate to tell them so. I am convinced that each member of our faculty is totally dedicated to seeking the Lord's guidance in doing what is absolutely best for your child. When they hear you express your appreciation, it is like wind beneath their wings!

The upcoming tests for next week are listed below. I hope you and your family enjoy a restful and relaxing weekend!

6th Grade

Thursday - Math, Social Studies

7th Grade

Monday - Science

Thursday - Geography

8th Grade

Monday - U.S. History (Franklin), English

Thursday - Earth Science

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