
Monday, September 15, 2008

RSS Feeds

Good Afternoon!

It has been brought to my attention that some of you are having trouble getting this blog in your email inbox via RSS. I posed this problem to Dr. Frank Buck, a fellow administrator and friend. His response appears below. I hope it helps!

For parents who use Outlook, the program I use is called intraVnews. It’s free and can be found here: The RSS feeds go directly to e-mail. To me that’s the easiest thing since people are going to check their e-mail anyway and they are automatically going to get the RSS stuff without even having to think about going anywhere else.

As far as something web based, Bloglines is good. ( You set up a free account, add your feeds, and each time you visit, you click on the feed and you will see everything that has been posted since last time you checked. Hope this helps.

Have a great day!

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