
Friday, October 17, 2008

Middle School Notes

Happy Friday!

Please give your children a big pat on the back for their cooperation as we administered a round of standardized testing Tuesday and Wednesday. The students seemed to take the test seriously, so I feel like they earned their two half days!

I am also happy to report that we have no middle school students assigned to Detention Hall this week. Overall, discipline referrals are down sharply from last year as are deficiencies. Translation: We’ve made great strides with respect to classroom discipline and academic success. Way to go!

As we continue through the year, please encourage your child to read, read, read. This skill is perhaps the single best indicator of future academic success. Our Accelerated Reader program is designed to help students develop a life-long love of reading. I encourage you to turn off the TV, crack open a book yourself, and model this for your children. Believe it or not, they still watch what you do and really look up to you. This is just one more way that you can partner with us as we work to educate your child.

Along this same line, please help us out with respect to attendance. It is most important that your child be in school as much as possible. If it becomes necessary for your child to miss for family reasons, please notify my office in writing at least one week in advance. This also applies to check-outs. Rather than simply making arrangements with the last period teacher, please follow the procedure of written notification to the principal’s office one week prior if at all possible. Thank you so much for your cooperation.

Again, we’ve had a great week here at Trinity! I hope you enjoy your weekend!

Here are our tests for next week:

6th Grade – None

7th Grade

Monday – Geography (Map)

Tuesday – Old Testament

Thursday – Math, Pre-Algebra

Friday – Geography

8th Grade

Monday – English

Wednesday – U. S. History (Weeks)

Thursday – French

Friday – U. S. History (McLemore), Algebra I

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