
Friday, March 13, 2009

Middle School Notes

Congratulations to Mrs. Pirtle's 7th period English class (above) for winning a competition between classes to see who could be "The Best" in the 8th grade.  Criteria included turning in homework, having supplies for class, and being on the very best of behavior.  Way to go!

Mrs. Kirtland recently allowed the 6th grade classes to get "up close and personal" with a real octopus.  As you can see, the students were, at the same time, interested and a little "grossed out!"  Let's just say it made for and interesting end to the day for this group of kids!

Be sure to congratulate your kids on a great 3rd Nine Weeks.  It is hard to believe that we have wrapped up 75% of this school year!  I hope you and your family enjoy a wonderful, fun-filled Spring Break!

Here are the tests currently on the docket for the week after Spring Break:

7th Grade:

Friday - Math 7/Pre-Algebra

Take care, and be careful!

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