
Friday, September 11, 2009

Middle School Notes

Good Afternoon!

We have had a fantastic four-day week here at Trinity, but next week looks to be one of the biggest yet this year.  Here is a snapshot of what will be going on:

Monday, we will welcome Mrs. Edwina Rogers to our school to kick off our emphasis on Trinity's Accelerated Reader program.  Mrs. Rogers has worked for two presidents and four U. S. senators, and is seen regularly as a political analyst on the Fox News Network.  The title of her presentation will be "It Pays to Read."  Mrs. Rogers will be speaking during our activity period in the sanctuary of Eastwood Presbyterian Church, directly across the street from the school.  We are asking that middle school students wear chapel dress on Monday for this important event.

Monday also marks the beginning of campaign week for our upcoming student council elections.  Candidates will be making speeches during lunch each day, and we will vote on our new student council Friday.  Please encourage your children to take this election very seriously, as we will expect a great deal out of our student council representatives this year.

Please give your students a very big pat on the back.  As of today, we have no office referrals for this school year!  Our new discipline plan is working and your kids are cooperating nicely.  Please encourage them!

Here are some further announcements:

1. Chapel dress for Monday -- very important

2. Please remember to support Stella's House.  Collection cans went home this week and are due Friday.  If you would like further information on this ministry, you may find it here.

3. Please mark September 22 on your calendar.  This will be College Day in the upper school, and our middle school will dismiss at 12:00 p.m.

4. Please remember that due to the high number of absences, we are now posting assignments to Edline. 

5. We now have a new test make-up policy which we are putting into place because of the high absentee rate we have been experiencing.  Make-up tests will now be given on designated days as follows:

Monday - Math

Tuesday - English

Wednesday - Science

Thursday - Social Sciences

Friday - Bible/Foreign Language rotation/Electives

If there are conflicts with the Friday slots, they will be worked out with the individual teachers.

Here are our tests for the coming week:

6th Grade:

Tuesday - Social Studies, English

Wednesday - Science

Friday - Math, Social Studies

7th Grade

Monday - English

Tuesday - Old Testament

Wednesday - Science

Friday - Math 7

Reminder: 7th grade cell project is due Sept. 25

8th Grade:

Tuesday - History (Weeks)

Have a Great Weekend!

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