
Friday, April 8, 2011

Middle School Matters

Happy Friday!

I hope this week has been a good one for you!

Social Networking

Liz Carter, a local attorney, will be speaking to our middle school students next week about safety when it comes to social networking.  This is a timely topic, and will be of tremendous benefit to our students.  Our upper school students have already participated in this assembly.

Ms. Carter will be speaking to our students in two separate assemblies with grade-appropriate content.  The assemblies will be held Tuesday, April 12, at the following times:

7th and 8th Grades
9:00 a.m.
Old Gym

5th and 6th Grades
1:30 p.m.
Old Gym

Parents are welcome to attend this event.  Also, we encourage you to speak with your children about the topics covered when they get home from school Tuesday.  As always, we are working hard to partner with you as you navigate the difficult waters we call parenting.

Tests Next Week

6th Grade:

Thursday - Social Studies

7th Grade:

Tuesday - English, Math 7

8th Grade:

Friday - Scavenger Hunt!

Have a Great Weekend!

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