
Thursday, August 26, 2010

Building the Pyramid of Success - The Second Cornerstone

"Your energy and enjoyment,
 drive and dedication will stimulate
and greatly inspire others."
This semester, we are learning about character as we build John Wooden's famous Pyramid of Success together.  Each week, we will focus on another "stone" in the pyramid, culminating with Competitive Greatness the week of first semester exams.   Please take some time this week to discuss Enthusiasm  with your child.

The following is an excerpt from Wooden: A Lifetime of Observations and Reflections:  I have included in this excerpt a section which is directed more at adults than children.  We can certainly learn some valuable lessons from the Pyramid as well.


On the other side of the Pyramid's foundation is my second powerful cornerstone: Enthusiasm.  Simply put, I mean you must love that which you do.  Your heart must be in it.  Without Enthusiasm you cannot work up to your fullest ability and potential; you're just going through the motions.  And just going through the motions won't bring you to the level of competitive greatness we seek whether in basketball, business, or life.

If you don't like what you're doing - knocking it all the time - get out.  Don't whine, complain, and continually make excuses.  Leave.  Maybe you can't leave immediately, today, right now, but understand you must eventually do so.  Why?  If your heart's not in your work you cannot prepare and perform at your highest level.

Enthusiasm brushes off on those with whom you come into contact, those you work with and for.  You must have Enthusiasm especially if you're a leader or wish to become a leader.

So, as the cornerstones of the Pyramid of Success I put these two essential and irreplaceable qualities in place: Industriousness and Enthusiasm.  You must be willing to work hard, to be Industrious.  You must join that with Enthusiasm.  Separately each is powerful in its own particular way.  Joined together they become a force of almost unimaginable force.  They power all that follows in the Pyramid.  Industriousness and Enthusiasm are the engines of your success.

And if you are a leader who possesses them, you will instill Industriousness and Enthusiasm in those under your supervision by your example.

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