
Friday, August 20, 2010

Middle School Matters

Happy Friday!

We have enjoyed a spectacular week here at Trinity!  I hope yours has been good as well.

I enjoyed meeting with many of our 6th grade parents at our Partner with the Principal luncheon Wednesday.  Many thanks to Craig and Jodi Dillard for opening up their home to us.

Speaking of 6th grade parents - you will want to be sure and mark your calendars for our annual trip to Camp Cosby.  The dates for this year's trip are November 3, 4 and 5.  Kay Kirtland and Ahna Baggett  work very hard to make this week special both academically and spiritually.  Please be in prayer now that the Lord will use this time as a life changing experience for your children.

We all are painfully aware of how frustrating carpool can be.  When Trinity was first located here, there was absolutely nothing around the school.  Today, however, we find ourselves landlocked, thus making for a challenging drop-off and dismissal.

Please help us by following our carpool rules.  All middle school students are to be picked up on the steps of Willett Hall each afternoon.  Students in the 6th, 7th, and 8th grades will not be allowed to exit through the front door of the building, and we ask that parents remain in your cars during the loading process.  Additionally, please pull all the way forward in the circle adjacent to the Willett Hall steps.  We will send your child to you at the bottom of the hill near the band room doors.  This keeps traffic from backing up onto Trinity Boulevard and, ultimately, Carmichael Road.  Thanks so much for your cooperation!

Please be reminded of our PTO Back to School Night next Tuesday beginning at 7:00.  You will have an opportunity to follow your child's schedule, meeting teachers and learning about the various courses your child is taking this year.  I look forward to seeing each of you there!

Being the parent of a middle school student is a tough job!  Here is some advice from Common Sense Media that I hope you will find to be helpful as you guide your "tween" through these years.

Here are our tests for the coming week:

6th Grade:

Thursday - Science

7th Grade:

Tuesday - Civics
Friday - Pre-Algebra

8th Grade:

Tuesday - Science
Friday - US History (Weeks, McLemore)

Have a Fantastic Weekend!

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